Blue Dream has long been an Aussie favorite for it’s balanced Sativa/Indica characteristics leaning towards Sativa dominant. Originating from California, Blue Dream is a cross between Blueberry (Indica) and Haze (Sativa).  With a medium-high THC level between 15-21% THC, this strain is very high yielding and easy to grow leading to it’s popularity amongst novice and veteran cannabis growers.
Auto flowering seeds will flower on their own normally after 2-4 weeks of growth without any light schedule alteration, creating compact plants and with a shorter growing period.
As a Sativa dominant, Blue Dream is comparatively quick to grow but will produce larger high yielding plants up to 6 feet tall depending on conditions, with a 8-9 week flowering time and 700+ g/m2.  This strain performs well indoors and outdoors with most cultivation methods.  With a potent and intense fruity, sweet aroma similar to ripe berries, the high is reported to be creative, happy & euphoric.  This strain is also popular with medicinal cannabis users to treat stress, depression and anxiety.
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